Episode #71: An Abandoned House Becomes a Home

In today’s episode, you’ll meet Jaya. He and his wife bought an abandoned farmhouse house in Japan that he is bringing back to life. Also, Stacy and Dianne talk about the Scotland and Northern Ireland tour that Stacy is hosting in the summer...
In today’s episode, you’ll meet Jaya. He and his wife bought an abandoned farmhouse house in Japan that he is bringing back to life.
Also, Stacy and Dianne talk about the Scotland and Northern Ireland tour that Stacy is hosting in summer 2022.
To request a transcript of this episode, please reach out via the contact page.
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Abatron manufacturers two of Stacy's favorite repair products, WoodEpox and LiquidWood. Use the coupon code truetales10 to save 10% off your order from Abatron.com.
Mentioned in this Episode
- Save the Sash Window Restoration Workshop in Madison, Indiana
- Episode #68: Do I Need to Hire an Architect? - This is the episode where Stacy first mentions the Halifax Explosion of 1917.
- Travel to Scotland and Northern Ireland with Stacy July 12-22, 2022 (Final payments due April 8)
- Jaya's YouTube channel - Tokyo Llama
- Follow Tokyo Llama on Instagram
Engawa Before
Engawa After
Kitchen Before
Kitchen After
Jaya and his Family in Front of Their House
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Thank you for listening to True Tales From Old Houses.
Until next time,